On my blog called Fighting Dog Abuse, I had a person, anonymously, asked just what does a dog groomer do. Well, I will tell you, as I was a groomer for over 25 yrs. I am a graduate of Nash Academy of Animal Arts in Lexington, KY, and am certified by National Dog Groomers Association of America, and International Dog Groomers, Inc. This means that I have met the strict standards of the elite certification of both the United States and the United Kingdom. Our duties include: When a dog comes into a grooming salon, I would look at the dog, ask the owner what they would like done.
If the owner says I want my dog to look like it should, i.e. a Scottish Terrier, and the dog is not matted, I would cut that dog in the standard as required in the A.K.C. This means it will look like the picture in the A.K.C. dog book. First, I "rough in" the dog. This means I do a rough cut of the coat, cut the head coat, scissor the eyebrows, clean out the stop (between the eyes), scissor any stray hair at the inside corner of the eyes, shave the private area, scissor around the anal area, clean out the pads of the feet, clean the inside of the ears, and cut the toenails.
Then the dog goes to the bath. The anal glands are expressed in the bath for easier clean up. After the bath, it is blown dry, known as fluff drying. Then the dog comes back to me, and I do what is called "the finish." I go back over the coat with the clippers. (Clippers are used for pet dogs, show dogs are hand stripped) I touch up the eyebrows, and the tuffs on the ears, scissor the skirt for evenness.
If the owner wants the dog stripped down, then I take the clippers and use a 5 F or 7F blade, and go over the entire dog. This is called a Kennel Clip. I clean the pads, shave the belly, scissor the anal area, clean ears and cut the nails. We call this "Pads, ears, nails and belly or PENB. In the bath, the anal glands are expressed, too. Most of your pet dogs are done in the Kennel Clip for easy maintenance at home. On pet Lhasa's and Shih Tzu's, Havenese, or any dog that has a long coat, I try to get the owner to let me do a 1/2" clip for summer, or a 1" clip for winter. This leaves some coat and the dog does not look so skinny and bare.
On smooth coated dogs, they usually just get a bath, nails and ears cleaned. The pads of the feet are cleaned, too. On some long-coated breeds that the owner does not want a cut, we just do a bath and brush out, along with the PENB (Pads, ears, nails and belly, including the anal area.)
Kallee and Tamara

A Beautiful Summer Day.
Madam Kallee, CTD, CGC - 1994-2005 - Certified Therapy Dog and a Canine Good Citizen

I am so pretty!
Kallee, T.D.I., CGC - Certified Therapy Dog and a Canine Good Citizen - 1994-2005

I loved to pose for the camera.
Hat Girl.
The things I do for my mom!
Bubby knows how to scratch a tummy.
Best of Friends.
Mine! No, Mine!, No Mine!!!
Whew !
Bubby wears me out!
This is the Life.
Just relaxing with bubby.
Kallee and Mr. Monkey

See Mr. Monkey? Wanna play?
Miss Cool.

I loved to wear my shades.
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So You are just a dog washer, what experience do you have in handling working dogs, not the pretty little ankle biters , real dogs, dogs that are man size, dogs a man can play with and not break in too?
Since this blog is not related to the Herald Dispatch, I posted your rude comment. I am not a Certified Master Trainer, but I have trained dogs for over 30 yrs. I do not know what your problem is with me, but you do not know me, as I do not know you. But, your rude comments are getting old. I trained under the top trainer in the country at the time, when I was 20 yrs. old. (so now you know my age.) I chose to be a groomer because I liked the artistic side of working with dogs. I now train therapy dogs. And, I do not say that I am a certified trainer to anyone that comes to me to train their dogs. I have trained every breed of the working class from the Akita to the Giant Schnauzer in my 30 yrs., and I have trained every breed in the other 6 groups in my 30 yrs., also. And, while doing so, I also got my PhD in Animal Husbandry. So, whatever your problem is, please take it somewhere else, as I am dealing with cancer and do not have time for nonsense. Tamara
Our dog is female and has a large sack at back is that the anal glan? Should it be squeezed out?
Sorry to sound so yukky ;) we are not sure if it should be done or not? looks big
Dog checks online, I am so sorry it has taken me so long to get back with a response. If the sac is hanging out from the rectum, take your dog to the vet. I am concerned that it might need vet attention. The anal glands are on each side of the rectum and internal. There are two glands, too. Take your dog to the vet, please. This really seems like a vet matter. DO NOT squeeze it. You could do major damage to your dog. Thanks, Tamara. If you want to post again, go to this website, www.heralddispatch.com and go to blogs....I have one called Fighting Dog Abuse. I am going to delete this blog. Thanks for your interest. Tamara.
Hi! I love your blog, the pictures are great! I recently got a Portuguese Water Dog and he is the cutest thing ever, I'm hoping I'll be doing his grooming, so far so good. I was wondering what do you feed your dogs?, I cook for my dog, and I'm looking for some ideas. Thanks so much for all your great info
I feed a dry food called Biljac along with cooked brown or white rice, cut up canned green beans(no salt), grated cheddar cheese and some type of meat, either chicken or turkey. I boil the chicken or get deli meats, shaved from the actual meat, not pkg'd. Thanks so much for reading it. I also have another one called Fighting Dog Abuse at www.heralddispatch.com. Go to the Opinion tab at the top, click on it and then click on the blog tab. Thanks, it is live and current. Tamara
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