Kallee and Tamara

Kallee and Tamara
A Beautiful Summer Day.

Madam Kallee, CTD, CGC - 1994-2005 - Certified Therapy Dog and a Canine Good Citizen

Madam Kallee, CTD, CGC - 1994-2005 - Certified Therapy Dog and a Canine Good Citizen
I am so pretty!

Kallee, T.D.I., CGC - Certified Therapy Dog and a Canine Good Citizen - 1994-2005

Kallee, T.D.I., CGC - Certified Therapy Dog and a Canine Good Citizen - 1994-2005
I loved to pose for the camera.

Hat Girl.

Hat Girl.
The things I do for my mom!


Bubby knows how to scratch a tummy.

Best of Friends.

Best of Friends.
Mine! No, Mine!, No Mine!!!

Whew !

Whew !
Bubby wears me out!

This is the Life.

This is the Life.
Just relaxing with bubby.

Kallee and Mr. Monkey

Kallee and Mr. Monkey
See Mr. Monkey? Wanna play?

Miss Cool.

Miss Cool.
I loved to wear my shades.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Dogs Deserve Better

I just discovered this organization today, 2/26//07. It is called Dogs Deserve Better. www.dogsdeservebetter.org.
This organization is trying to get legislation passed in all states to ban and make a crime to chain a dog outside. Many areas of the country have limited or banned chaining, over 70 at last count. This organization is trying to get all chained dogs inside and chain free. Check this site out and do something in your community to improve the quality of life of chained dogs in you area.

Friday, February 16, 2007

It Is Cold!

Hey everyone! It unfortunately has decided that it is time to be winter. I know all of you that read this blog have seen the poor dog chained outside in freezing weather. Well, just remember, you can call your humane officers in your area and report anything that you see that involves an animal large or small. It can be done anonymously, too. If you have to keep your dog outside, be sure that they have shelter to get into. A dog house is a must. You can buy a bale of straw at your local Lowe's or Home Depot or local farmer. The straw acts as insulation allowing the dog's body heat to stay around the dog instead of escaping into the ground. Make sure that you check water bowls everyday in this weather, also. Plenty of food is essential. The more food, the more the body can heat itself. More calories to burn. Have a great day.

Thursday, February 15, 2007


Well, the 2007 Westminster Kennel Club show has come and gone. A beautiful English Springer named James, was named Best in Show. He was really quite handsome, and well handled. When I was grooming, I groomed many Springers. I was so surprised how many of them that came to me from another groomer, had the wrong pattern set on them if they still had a full coat. Most pet English Springer's are done in what is called a Kennel Clip, which is one length all over. Usually done with an 5F or 7F Oster blade. The head done as the standard states.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Hey everyone, my name is Tamara and I love dogs. This blog will be open to all dog talk, but will be reviewed before posting. I am a retired Certified Master Groomer and am still Nationally and Internationally certified. I am a graduate of Nash Academy of Animal Arts in Lexington, KY. I have competed and was a member of Groom Team USA in 1995, earning medals for my creative grooming and hand-scissoring. I can answer most grooming questions, but I am not a vet. If I can't answer your questions, I will try to steer you toward a person(s) who can. I am currently working a 2 yr. old yellow lab named Major B Chance. He is getting ready to certify for his Therapy Dog Certification, with Therapy Dogs International, and has completed his basic obedience and is in advanced now. He trains at Timbral Pet Services,Barboursville, WV, with Tim Childers, the owner and Certified Master Trainer. He is spoiled and loved beyond belief. Hope to hear from you dog lovers soon.