Kallee and Tamara

Kallee and Tamara
A Beautiful Summer Day.

Madam Kallee, CTD, CGC - 1994-2005 - Certified Therapy Dog and a Canine Good Citizen

Madam Kallee, CTD, CGC - 1994-2005 - Certified Therapy Dog and a Canine Good Citizen
I am so pretty!

Kallee, T.D.I., CGC - Certified Therapy Dog and a Canine Good Citizen - 1994-2005

Kallee, T.D.I., CGC - Certified Therapy Dog and a Canine Good Citizen - 1994-2005
I loved to pose for the camera.

Hat Girl.

Hat Girl.
The things I do for my mom!


Bubby knows how to scratch a tummy.

Best of Friends.

Best of Friends.
Mine! No, Mine!, No Mine!!!

Whew !

Whew !
Bubby wears me out!

This is the Life.

This is the Life.
Just relaxing with bubby.

Kallee and Mr. Monkey

Kallee and Mr. Monkey
See Mr. Monkey? Wanna play?

Miss Cool.

Miss Cool.
I loved to wear my shades.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Vicious Dog Law.

We’ve been telling you for the last couple of months the city of Logan is stepping up their vicious dog ordinance. Enforcement of new laws will start next week. November 20th, which is next Tuesday, is the last day you have to register your dog.
The breeds that fit the requirement are Pit Bulls, Doberman Pinchers, Rottweilers or any dog of the Wolfe species. There is a fee of $300 to register the animal. If the dog is not registered by the Tuesday deadline the city will quarantine the dog.

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